January 5, 2011

A Slice of New York, Stevens Creek

Sunday evening with not much choices on food since I already got bored with most of the usual food I ate. Pizza was thought of that night but it wasn't me who made the choice. My husband did. He had mentioned the place we usually get our pizza which is in Alameda but it's further away from home. He searched another and he said why not trying a place in Stevens creek and it's called A slice of new york. I said why not give it a try. So we went to the place.

It was crowded when we got inside. It's a very tiny little place. The staff were very busy in the kitchen where you could see them just few distance from the counter. That's how small the place is. The interior connotes some photos from New York and hubby was scanning the menu while I scan the place. He ordered a medium canadian bacon and other 2 slices on the side. It took 20-25 minutes and we got the box of pizza and brought it home.

The verdict - it was definitely good. I like it because it's a thin crust not as crispy as it could have been expected. There was still some crispiness on the edges of a slice but the middle didn't snap like those pizza in the east coast. Maybe the travel that we did could be the reason but I don't really think so. I guess it's just the way the pizza is. But the taste is good. I like it and I would recommend this place to anyone who wants to have a similar taste of the east coast's pizza.

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