February 22, 2023

Crocolandia Cebu Philippines

It was a Monday afternoon event for my son's first field trip. Actually the location is very easy to locate to. We arrived early due to the fact that the place is small and parking is limited. Good thing we were able to parked in a good spot and probably if we arrived at a later time probably we could had a hard time to park. Somehow able to and greeted by a heartwhelming teachers. Signed up for the attendance sheet and got in to the place. While we were still waiting for the event to start, there's a little playground for the kids to hangout. There's slide, swing and a bit shaded. Pine trees, coconuts and other varieties of species of plants are there but just can identify all since I am not an expert by any means of botany. ahhaha.. Anyway, the kids did able to play while waiting and also had photo session from the school. I still haven't seen the photos yet so all I have were videos which I will be uploading soon in my youtube channel. So when the assigned time was set, there's a tour guide to give info with a little speaker phone which somehow we didn't get to pay much attention to because the crowds noice or our party group was kind of noisy so we didnt really hear what the guide was saying about the living creatures in there. But of course the first attraction to the place is the crocodile so by the time you step into the wooden flatform on your ride, we were greeted by the huge crocodile. On the left side of the trail, were turtles, catfish where the latter is super huge. GUess it was my first time to see a huge catfish. The first is always been a keeper for memory. Do you agree? Anyway, we also saw how the crocodile was feed with 2 dead chicken. Man, it was a sight lol.
All of this will be in my video once I am able to upload it in my youtube channel. We also went to a huge pond where the guide said is the first generation of the crocodile of the place. It was big like super big. Then tour once more on other site to see varieties of birds, turtles, deer, iguanas and snakes. Then also had a sight on the snake where they let you touch it but me as a coward as I am and my son as well. We were the only one that sat there and saw kids, parents and teachers take turns to take pictures touching and holding the snake. I just cant ahahhaha.. ANyway, it was a new thing for us espcially with the little one to get into that kind of a trip especially an activity from the school. We did went to Disney at Animal Kingdom in FLorida but somehow the difference being is we were a group of people that we knew. It's an interesting event to participate into. I hope you like my little snippets of the event. Til next post.

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