July 18, 2023

My first Water Down Supply Experience in Dauis Bohol

 living here in Panglao exactly 23 days after the move from Cebu, this is my very first to experience the loss of water supply. I was lucky enough I did able to do 3 loads of laundry the whole day so my 2 boys will not be out of clothes. Just by luck I was able to do it today. I’ve heard so much complaint about Rchli cutting off supply without proper notices and now today this is for real. It is true that supply of water here in Panglao is a problem. You may have water today but gone tomorrow without you knowing if it comes on for days or hours.I hope this is just a day. 

Also earlier today, I also did my first to cook in the house. We don’t have kitchen counter top and no setup for the stove. all I have is a kitchen rack that can hold both oven and gas stove and other supplies. I don’t know what it’s store for us here in this subdivision that we jut bought the house from. There’s pros and cons and I just hope this move is the good choice. 

The problend we faced momentarily is the water supply and the frequent electricity power surge. There’s the humidity causing us to feel uncomfortable with no prope air conditioning in the house. We just have one aircon setup in the masters bedroom. Planning to get all the units soon but it takes time for us due to the fact that supply also is a problem here. There could be many units around but not the one we liked. Do we have to settle for what is available just to get comfortable but not what we want price wise and quality?

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