Guest post written by Trey Garris
When people walk into my house, they have no trouble figuring out what kind of book genre I prefer to read because it seems like I have just about every kind of horror novel that's ever been published on Earth. I haven't actually done the research, but the last time I counted I have over 400 paperback books. I'm not really sure how many hardback books that I have though. But I havenÕt met a horror book that I didn't love, or at least didn't want to buy.
I spend a lot of time on ebay looking for hard to find out of print old horror paperbacks. When I was doing that a while back I ran across and after reading through it, changed over my internet provider to it.
A lot of people just don't understand why I love reading horror novels, but they're the only genre that you just can't put down and have to keep reading to find out what happens, even though you'd rather not because it will surely be scary and horrible.
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