Remaining time, 3 minutes and we were fast walking towards Front St which could probably take us like 5 blocks to get there. The fireworks already started. We went back to the car and get us some chair to seat and just watched it from a distance. I was a little bit unprepared for my pictorial shots since I was chasing time. I only have my wide angle camera and the show was too far away. I tried to get as much as I could hoping that with all those shots I could get some that's acceptable for the naked eye.
As I reviewed my shots at home, with the distance of the subject from where I was at. There's no way for me to get a very crisp photos. I was really hoping that this time I could get a really nice one. But, what can I do. Lahaina, such a little town could gather a big crowd like that and the show was awesome. It could have been nice if I saw it upfront much closer but what can I ask for.
At least what I cay say about it was, I appreciated the effort of my husband to drove me there. Also, we were there to witness one of the best fireworks in the US. It was indeed a great one.

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