April 15, 2011

My brother's Current Condition

It's sad to know that up to this point his still in the hospital. I saw him today with some progress. I wasn't sure if his okay of what his been going through. His latest tests while I was there his taken to have an ultrasound. I'm quite a little nervous of what it might going to be and still hoping deep inside that nothing could go wrong with him. I have not seen him while he did the tests. My husband and I were just inside the room waiting. When he got back to the room, he doesn't feel like his worried. His face is more better and I had not seen any worries.

Since he got back from the room, I went home with hubby. Later on, I was in the dirty kitchen with hubby while I was cooking some hotdog for our snacks. Mom arrived then and I asked her if she went to the hospital and she told me about Jerry's ultra sound result. She did talked to the doctor's specialists and it was a good news. The enlargement of his gall bladder is now small. It looks normal now. There's no sign that they will do some procedure for him. I am glad to hear the news. I am hoping that it continues that he will see some sign of progress so we can go home soon.

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