April 29, 2023

Reason To Leave Cebu

 There are many reason to leave but this is a few that I can think as of now. The big concern I have is the growing population and the infrastructure is not. Yes, there are plans and some of them are in progress but the completion of this projects cannot be attained to finish in one administration. How slow is that? I don't know why all these projects are taking forever when the people are suffering from lack of infrastructure.

There are only 2 main road going to the south a portion of 1 and 1/2 to the North. In the south it;s the national highway and CSRP. The NCLEX does help a little bit of flow from Cordova to the south as well as to the center in town of Lapu Lapu and Mandaue. Most user of the NCLEX are coming from those that are working from MEPZA. Not all citizen can pay the toll bridge back and forth. It can eat up their daily salary. The main source for that I can see is tourist from Mactan Airport and the citizen that live closeby from the bridge. 

This is quite a little bit off from the Title of this post but it's the main reason why. Cebu's road is too small for the over growing population. The masterplan of the solution is only a portion and completion is like what maybe 3 years or more? HOw about the people coming in day by day and how that increase can do the small road or passage that is already been happening in Cebu. 

If you live in the province no question ask, but there's nothing really there. For foreigners, is it convenient for you to get all your basic needs if you have to travel like 2hrs from where you live to get to a nearby decent supermarket. It's just not possible for those who are accustomed to the life of accessibility and convenience.

That's it for now, my post is a bit long. I will tell another day my reasons of leaving Cebu. 

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