July 4, 2023

Bohol is Not Cheap As Others Think

 I thought so too. But I guess we all did have some same issues. We didn't do our further studies. Staying the island for 2 weeks is not enough to know what it's like. I have been in and out of the island for the past 2 years and usually was at the tourist spot area. Thought that Tagbilaran could have drop prices on commodities but nope I was wrong. 

Prices of the land is way cheaper than Cebu. You could buy more land in Bohol than Cebu. What draws the prices up are the imports or goods ships to the island. That's what draws the increase of goods. I thought somehow big companies will directly ship them to Bohol as in similar fashion to Cebu but I guess not. It's not a direct transfer of supplies, does make sense to me why the goods are way above the normal tags I usually get. 

But having the luxury of avoiding noise, dirty, stared at people, small streets, trash everywhere, animal manure everywhere, I think Bohol is a good choice. 

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