April 25, 2008

Dental Work

I am off today. My boss gave me a day off for my dental appointment. I thought it isn't very necessary. Now I just got home from my dentist appointment, I am glad I agree to not working today. My gums are hurting and I am numb. The dentist told me to be very careful in talking and eating. I might get hurt without knowing the pain since I am numbed.

I had some two filling today. The upper left molar that had my previous filling was cracked a bit so it needs a repair. I was given 2 anesthesia at first, it is painful but I survived. Then another 2 shots for the right lower molar for I have a slight crack in between my teeth. I have two teeth that needs a little work. I had numbed minutes passed and Jackie put the rubber dam. I hate those instrument its unbearable. I felt pain a bit and left me for few minutes. She returned and told her that I felt pain under my gums. She notified Dr. Alvarro and gave me another shot and poured some on the areas I felt the pain. It's bitter and it's yucky. But have to bare the pain and move on. It took almost an hour to do the repair and I am hurting. I am just very sensitive though that's why I felt this way. My husband told me to bare it for that is just the way it is. I agree with that and will have to relax not to mindful of the pain I am feeling.


Unknown said...

dental work here is big different in pinas right? get well soon


I just got pain for a day but I felt fine the next day. Indeed very differen there, daghan kuti pero satisfied kayo ko sa ilang work.